Welcome to the GMC Corps of Cadets Community Hub! The Georgia Military College Corps of Cadets dates to the school’s founding in 1879 with the first group of over 200 male and female students arriving on the Milledgeville campus that winter. The Corps’ long and distinguished history has paralleled that of the college and from the Corps’ ranks have developed leaders who have served their country and their state in both military and civilian leadership positions at all levels of command and society.
Graduates of the GMC Cadet Corps have served with honor and distinction in every war and major conflict of the United States since the founding of the school. Our young men and women graduates have distinguished themselves, wherever our country needed their services, including service in the previous Iraqi Freedom conflict.
In the early and mid-twentieth century, the college received accreditation to award the associate degree and was designated a U.S. Military School. In 1950 as a U.S. Military Junior College, GMC became a part of the Army ROTC ECP (Early Commissioning Program). Today, GMC is one of only four colleges where a student, by completing the junior college degree, participating in the Corps of Cadets, and satisfying all necessary training requirements, can become a commissioned officer in the United States Army National Guard or Reserves in just two years.