GMC Service Award. This award is given to GMC alumni or friends who have rendered special service to the school and their community through demonstrated involvement in campus and community organizations and activities. This is the highest recognition given for outstanding service and volunteerism.
Mr. Dudley Rowe is a shining example of how one can give of their time, talent, and treasure to generously serve an institution like Georgia Military College. Mr. Rowe was born and raised on his family farm in the southwest part of England. At age 16 he joined ECC, PLC, a large British international minerals and chemicals company, as a student engineer. This started a 45-year career that took him to all parts of the world.
He graduated as an electrical engineer from Plymouth Institute of Technology and received further education at Manchester University and other business schools. After graduation, he worked in several management positions in various parts of the world, living in England, Italy, and India before coming to the USA. His role expanded as the company grew and he was appointed to the Board of ECC International. Before his retirement as a senior executive, Rowe was promoted to EVP, responsible for all global operations. In this capacity he traveled extensively and was responsible for approximately 4,500 people in 20+ countries.
Since 1993, Rowe has been an integral part of the Georgia Military College Foundation, as well as a valued partner and friend to the institution at large. Throughout the years, he has served the Foundation on the Advisory Committee, Finance Committee, and the Development Committee. Rowe has also served as the second Vice Chair, and most notably as the Chairman of the GMC Foundation from 2011 through 2021, in addition to an advisory member for the GMC Board of Trustees.
Rowe’s impact on the GMC Foundation has been remarkable. He grew and restructured the Foundation Board of Trustees to 44 members geographically located across the U.S., all dedicated to the success of every GMC student. His efforts further aligned the Foundation with the College’s pillar of investing in the future of GMC. Rowe provided dedicated servant-leadership and executive oversight that saw the GMC Foundation’s net asset position grow by nearly 250% from $11.5 million to over $40 million during his tenure as Chairman. He was also instrumental in organizing a grants program for the Foundation and providing invaluable leadership at the strategic level.
During the difficulty and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rowe acted immediately, guiding the Foundation to make a significant contribution to student scholarships, allowing students to continue their education during challenging times.
Rowe and his wife, Jenny, established the Wright-Rowe Band Scholarship Endowment to benefit GMC Prep School students, demonstrating their deep appreciation of the education GMC provides. Rowe was named Honorary Alumnus in 2008, a recognition bestowed upon individuals who are not alumni of Georgia Military College, but who have rendered special or exceptional service to the school or to its Alumni Association. Upon Rowe’s retirement as Chairman of the GMC Foundation, he was named Chairman Emeritus, the first-ever to receive the recognition.
Mr. Rowe and Jenny have lived in Baldwin County since 1990. They have two children, Gary and Lisa, and two grandchildren who are GMC Prep School alumnae, Alexandra and Samantha.